Would Your Medical Practice Benefit From an Information Evening?

What a great night we had last week chatting to local General Medical Practitioners at Mrs Robinson Restaurant and Lounge, Deakin University, Burwood. We discussed the conundrum of HRT and Breast Cancer risk, (3D) mammogram tomosynthesis, modern oncoplastic breast surgery, hormonal therapy for breast cancer and it's bone health implications, and finally hereditary breast cancer.

Apart from meeting some of my referring GPs face to face for the first time, it's always interesting to hear about the day to day diagnostic and therapeutic challenges my colleagues face - and to understand how I can help.
Many thanks to Mitcham Private Hospital for organising, the attending doctors for their interest and insights, and to my fellow presenters. Pictured above are Mr Michael Law (Surgeon), Dr Daniel Lee (Radiologist), Mr Sunil Jassal (me), Miss Natalie Zantuck (Surgeon) and Miss Vivian Yu (Surgeon).